Chocolate Stash.

I did not realise until a minute or so ago that I am building a chocolate stash! It’s not so secret but it is very much far from Anessa’s reach. Hehe. Kidding babe!

I bought a box of Lindt Lindor Milk during our weekly grocery shopping, much to my husband’s amusement. Bought a bar of Guylian Praline earlier and have asked a colleague to buy me a bag of mini Reese’s Pieces. Oh, Spikez gave me a slice of Saffron’s Triple Layer Cheesecake earlier today too, which is sitting nicely in the fridge for breakfast tomorrow.

And I was complaining, why? Psft.

My breakfast today consisted of Chocolate Milk and 2 Lindt Lindor. Hehe.

I have a dinner thing to go tonight. I was going to buy a belly dancing skirt but the husband gave me a look (actually it was more than a look. haha.), so I have decided to tone it down and wear an ethnic-inspired top instead. Ethnic-inspired but I don’t know how it is Arabian though. I’ll just wear a black tudung with it. Arabs love their black tudungs right?

Going to lie down and rest for a bit. Told the rest, we will be there before 8. Hehe.

Have a good weeken y’all! 😀

April 28, 2007. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.