Oh lordy!

I was doing my daily rounds and came across this post by Metallichick.

*speechless* in the beginning, followed by a series of OMGs.

Speculation 1

He was in trouble with the army, got fired and now thought, ‘hell, i’ll be a recording artist and show them’.

Speculation 2

He was never an army. He just thought it would be fun to put on an army uniform and started singing for youtube. Now, another one for his fans out there.

… so which one is it?

Yes, some of you may think I’m being overly dramatic but I thought if he wasn’t in uniform from the beginning, it wouldn’t really be an issue. Family and friends have shown me sillier things Bruneians do on youtube (yes, I don’t really know how to use youtube unless people send me the direct link. haha.).

Plus, plus, plus…. balik2 wahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Oh, this time he looks so much happier singing it than before. Nevertheless, the song remains as annoying as I remembered.

Yes, I’m a pisces. Hence, I’m passionate and can be a drama queen. LOL.

Proper post tonight. I promised to make dinner again tonight 🙂

April 25, 2007. Uncategorized.


  1. Rina replied:

    You make what now? 😛 Hahahaha. Kidding.
    I MISS YOU AND HOME!! 6 more weeks!! Or something like that.

  2. aisyah replied:

    Ka huiada =)

    i noe it must be a bummer dat i cudnt sampaikan ur hajat. i feel kinda awful about it. perhaps anothr tym sainsbury’s release another designer bag, i go camp out awal-awal lgi. =) (tapi..adui..cute bag nya atuu..jeles ku ckit urang swinging their goodies atu..but yalah..if its not meant 2 b)

    and rina has a blog too! cool lo! hehe…o, the many things one discovers while away. im comin home in 9 wks tym ^O^V

    p.s speaking of youtube…there are very very familiar faces/ or parts of body (not exposed of course) that im sure kaka kenal, who are making their stardom known via the said medium…hmmm..(not me of cos)=P

    have a good day 2mrw ka.


  3. JG replied:

    Brunei’s very own William Hung???

  4. twelve replied:

    Rina- come home with goodies please. I will definitely send you a list before you come home. lol.

    aisyah- waalaikumsalam. cutee ah the bag. its not meant to be 😦 will stalk the website till i get one or two for myself. hahaha.

    yes. ive seen our neighbour’s arms on youtube doing magic but thats all. is there anything else that i should know? haha.

    JG- definitely! and what happened to him? huhu.

  5. Lilac replied:

    Ouh! Ouh! about that soljai bunai ah..

    From what I heard…he memang army dude. Then one of their superiors suruh sing. And that song atu memang a VERY old song amongst durang2 atu..but this particular guy decided to sing it his way, or something…And that superior kana marah lah for misconduct.

    and! and! I heard he memang penyanyi gambus. Hahahhaha.

    But then…hearsay ajee~ 😀

  6. Anneesa replied:

    Salaam, I want to know what body parts of Bruneians are on youtube.

    😆 I gotta keep up you know albeit being a hermit.


  7. twelve replied:

    Lilac- heard that from my mum jua. kali inda ia nyasal now. superior kana marah, ia jadi recording artist. hehe.

    Ness- Salaam! haha. my cousin was prolly talking about my other cousins who have magic tricks video (tangan saja nampak) and dance videos (shoulder down saja nampak). yesh, apparently my cousins know more how to use their youtubes than their kaka dah. haha.

  8. whiterose replied:

    with regards of the famous army recruit, no officers superiors or whatever you wanna call it were being assault for misconduct or whatever.. he was not FORCED to sing. he’s always been a singer..for fun. and no he doesnt sing for gambus (wth???!!) but guess what? he’s making an album (18 songs) at the moment and hopefully the songs will not bore you cause i have a feeling he’s gonna be a HIT!

    all these i mentioned are from a reliable source and to those yang buat-buat cerita well i have two words for you……SITAWUUUUUU Juaaaaa.

  9. twelve replied:

    whiterose- oooh. that’s great then.

    i am still, however, surprised, he got away for doing that wearing the army uniform considering that they are not even allowed to go socially in them.

    glad someone has come out and straigtened this out.

    nevertheless, i still find the whole idea and song annoying. overplayed. balik2. overused as a joke. heh.

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